Mainbody Flight Day 2018

So after a 15 day delay, a new record for the longest delay to Mainbody (Summer) starting in McMurdo in recent history,  we finally got our first flight of Mainbody.  Over the next few weeks we will go from 272 people on station to almost 500 people.  The population will continue to increase until they reach a max of 700-800 people. 

The C-17 was carrying 126 new people to Antarctica.  We have an Airbus A-319 inbound to McMurdo carrying another 50 people arriving today.   I’ll try to get pictures of it also when it flies over McMurdo.

The helicopter was doing test flights to get ready to ferry people out to field camps and other places around Ross Island.


Here is the C-17 leaving with most of the remaining Winter Overs.