First Sun Sighting

A few people have seen the sun before me but this was the first time I have seen the sun since it went down last time. 

I only had my point and shoot camera today.  I’ll try to get some better photos tomorrow with my main camera.

Winter 2018 comes to an end

And this plane means Winter has come to an end in McMurdo.  WinFly has begun and Summer is just a few weeks away.  1 plane down 3 more to go this week including a C-17 later today.

Half Way Done

Today marks a good day for me.  I am 50% of the way through my current deployment.   About 2 months till I go to the South Pole.

183 days done.
183 days to go.

Aurora Time Lapse

It’s nice when you are doing a Milky Way Time Lapse and you get interrupted by Auroras.  A couple of time lapses put together that were shot last night in McMurdo.